The question that arises is what kind of Milk is best for weight loss? When practicing to lose weight, the first step we all limit our diet is fat. Talking about fat, Milk is one food item that contains a lot of fat, and thus we swap to other fat-free and healthier alternatives such as double-toned Milk, skimmed Milk, soy milk, or almond milk. Soy and almond milk fit in common with the increase in the number of people converting to veganism.
But are you often confused between other types, such as double-toned and skimmed Milk? If yes, this article is for you. In weight loss, people often ask me whether we should drink Milk or not. Because they feel that more calories and the fat present in it probably works to increase weight.
But, it is not so; if you want, you can also use toned or skimmed Milk because fat and cream are removed.
I advise you to drink only because Milk contains all the elements except iron and vitamin C. During the weight-loss period, we take such a diet due to a deficiency of many vitamins in our body. Due to this, problems like hair fall start to arise. Including Milk in your diet can prove to be a good option for you during weight loss.
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To all those lactose-intolerant people and milk lovers who want to lose weight, I’m here with a few types of Milk that might be the right and tasty choice for you. But before that, let’s learn about Milk and its benefits.
Milk is one of the easiest ways of getting Calcium, Vitamin D, Vitamin B2, Protein, and a teensy tiny bit of fat and other minerals, all in just one glass (around 250ml). But the percentage of these nutrients varies from one type of Milk to another.
Milk is one of the most healthy beverages on the planet and a diet chief, but these days we’re ruined for choice, and our milk options are limitless.
Stand in the milk division of the supermarket, and you will be entirely impressed by the choices, varying from cows, soy, oat, total fat, lite, rice, organic, cashew, macadamia, skim, 2%, A2, goat, and coconut milk.
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Even a visit to your local market could leave you feeling confused. Selecting the suitable Milk for you comes down to what your aim is. Are you after Milk for optimum calcium consumption or for weight loss? Are you willing to make the best option for you and your family, or perhaps you are adapting a lactose intolerant child or is it simply about taste and texture?
Are you searching for easily digested Milk that enhances bone health, or is it just for cooking?
Many are focussing on the Milk that’s best for your age group. And as a single mum of three, what is the best Milk for the three growing girls?
Table of Contents
The best Milk for weight loss
There was a time when skim Milk was the only method to go for weight loss, with the thought that fat-free meant weight loss, but research is highlighting this is not the case.
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With the evolving plant-based milk industry, the results are doubtful. Glancing at Milk from a weight loss perspective for those wishing to still enjoy your morning coffee from your favorite market, guilt-free, instant coffee at home. Adding to your healthy breakfast cereal, the simple answer to this could be found in the crashing of calories.
Goat milk is slightly higher in protein, calories, fat, and calcium and lower in lactose than cow’s Milk. Goats milk could increase the absorption of nutrients from food, and cow’s milk could often restrict absorption. As excellent as goat milk may initially look, it is not as easy to go by as cow’s Milk, but nowadays, it is more readily available in mainstream supermarkets.
But beware, you would pay 4.5 times more for one liter of goat milk than one liter of cow’s Milk.
Other health benefits of the top kinds of Milk
The health benefits of Milk vary considerably.
Oat milk is good in fiber, and vitamin E. Soy milk is loaded with plant proteins, carbohydrates, and B vitamins. Skim milk is fortified, like many kinds of Milk, as much of the nutrients are lost in the fat.
Almond milk, unless it is protected, would possess the most micronutrients but is impressive for your waistline.
Best kinds of Milk for different ages
Milk is important for many young children and is significant for bone growth.
Milk and water are their favored beverage options, but what is the correct Milk for kids?
The best suggestion is the most nutrient-rich milk, like cow’s milk or goat milk.
What about as you age?
Bone mass begins to decrease at the age of forty. When people are in their fifties, bone health is essential. Suggestions are based on your overall health and would be about nutrient richness.
Goat and cow’s Milk is the favored choice, or a plant-based option such as soy would be good.
Different types of healthiest milk options
Dairy passages have gone off with milk and milk options over the past few years, and selecting the healthiest Milk isn’t just about fat content. Whether you’re looking for cow’s milk for health reasons or dietary choices or simply wish to experiment with different options, you might ponder which form of Milk is healthiest for you.
Here are the different types of healthiest milk and milk options to add to your diet.
1. Hemp milk
Hemp milk is built from the ground, soaked hemp seeds, which do not possess the psychoactive ingredient of the Cannabis sativa plant.
The seeds are loaded with protein and healthy omega-3 and omega-6 unsaturated fats. Hence, hemp milk consists of a slighter high amount of these nutrients than other plant kinds of Milk.
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An eight-ounce (240-ml) serving of hemp milk gives the following
Calories: 60
- Protein: 3 grams
- Carbs: 0 grams
- Fat: 5 grams
- Phosphorus: 25% of the Daily Value (DV)
- Calcium: 20% of the DV
- Magnesium: 15% of the DV
- Iron: 10% of the DV
Hemp milk is effectively carb-free, but some brands use sweeteners to enhance the carb content. Ensure to go through the ingredient label and purchase hemp and plant milk without added sugar.
Sugar could be listed on the ingredient label like brown rice syrup, evaporated cane juice, or cane sugar.
2. Oat milk
Though drinking milk prepared by soaking whole oats doesn’t provide the same health benefits as having a bowl of whole grain oats, it is pretty healthy and nutritious.
Oat milk is naturally sweeter than oats and rich in carbs. It’s unusual because it consists of some soluble fiber, making oat milk a bit creamier.
Soluble fiber retains water and converts it into a gel during digestion, which aids in slow digestion and makes you feel full for longer. It could also help in stabilizing your blood sugar levels.
What’sMoreover, oat milk’s soluble fiber could decrease your cholesterol levels. A five-week study of 52 men highlights that drinking oat milk reduced LDL (bad) cholesterol levels compared with a control beverage.
However, nutritional values can differ by brand, and depending on how or whether the Milk is protected, an eight-ounce (240-ml) serving of oat milk gives the following:
- Calories: 120
- Protein: 3 grams
- Carbs: 16 grams
- Fiber: 2 grams
- Fat: 5 grams
- Vitamin B12: 50% of the DV
- Riboflavin: 46% of the DV
- Calcium: 27% of the DV
- Phosphorus: 22% of the DV
- Vitamin D: 18% of the DV
- Vitamin A: 18% of the DV
3. Almond milk
Almond milk is formed by soaking almonds in water and then blending and straining away the residues.
It’s a delicious non-dairy milk option for people who either can’t tolerate or select not to consume dairy milk, but it’s not safe if you possess a tree nut allergy.
Unsweetened almond milk is less in calories and much lower in carbs than cow’s Milk, creating it a good choice if you adopt a lower-carb diet. Although, note that many brands consist of added sugar. Always go through the ingredient label and prevent those that are sweetened.
However, almond milk is a naturally good source of the antioxidant vitamin E; it’s low in protein and many other nutrients. Many brands are protected with calcium and vitamins A and D, but the amounts could differ by brand.
On average, an eight-ounce (240-ml) serving of unsweetened almond milk gives the following.
Calories: 41
- Protein: 1 gram
- Carbs: 2 grams
- Fat: 3 grams
- Vitamin E: 50% of the DV
Many brands possess additives such as carrageenan to thicken and avoid separation.
There is some debate about whether carrageenan encourages intestinal inflammation and destruction. Still, most studies on carrageenan and gut health have been conducted in animals and labs.
4. Coconut milk
Coconut milk is processed from the white part of a coconut. It has a tasty flavor and is an excellent non-dairy milk option that’s safe if you possess a tree nut allergy.
Most coconut milk packaged in cartons is mixed with water to provide a consistency that resembles cow’s Milk. It has less protein than almond milk, but many brands are protected with specific nutrients.
In contrast, canned coconut milk is usually prepared for culinary purposes. It contributes to being higher in fat, is protected, and possesses a much different coconut flavor.
An eight-ounce (240-ml) serving of an unsweetened coconut milk beverage gives the following.
Calories: 46
- Protein: none
- Carbs: 1 gram
- Fat: 4 grams
Coconut milk is relatively higher in fat than other plant kinds of Milk. Still, the medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) in coconuts are connected to some heart health benefits, like higher HDL (good) cholesterol levels. Some brands are also protected with nutrients such as vitamins B12, D, and A, as well as some minerals. The type and amount of nutrients added could differ among brands, so ensure to compare the labels.
5. Cow’s Milk
Cow’s Milk is the most primarily used dairy and a good source of high-quality protein. It’s naturally high in calcium, B vitamins, and many minerals. It’s also often protected with vitamins A and D, making it a very nutritious food for children and adults. An eight-ounce (240-ml) serving of whole Milk gives the following.
Calories: 149
- Protein: 8 grams
- Carbs: 12 grams
- Fat: 8 grams
- Vitamin D: 24% of the DV
- Calcium: 28% of the DV
- Riboflavin: 26% of the DV
- Phosphorus: 22% of the DV
- Vitamin B12: 18% of the DV
- Selenium: 13% of the DV
- Potassium: 10% of the DV
Nonetheless, the protein in cow’s milk is a common allergen. Most children exceed it, but some people possess a lifelong allergy and need to prevent this beverage and foods containing it. Additionally, an estimated 65% of the population has some degree of problem digesting lactose, a form of sugar in cow’s Milk.
6. Soy milk
Nutritionally, soy milk is the same as cow’s Milk. This is because soybeans are an excellent origin of complete protein, and it’s protected so that their nutritional profile closely matches that of Milk. Soy is a good option if you prevent dairy but wish for a milk beverage rich in protein.
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An eight-ounce (240-ml) serving of unsweetened soy milk gives the following Calories: 105
- Protein: 6 grams
- Carbs: 12 grams
- Fat: 4 grams
- Vitamin B12: 34% of the DV
- Calcium: 30% of the DV
- Riboflavin: 26% of the DV
- Vitamin D: 26% of the DV
- Phosphorus: 10% of the DV
Soy has been controversial, as most soybeans cultivated in the United States are genetically modified to withstand glyphosate herbicide.
Although, daily consuming soy foods are connected to health benefits, including improved cholesterol and blood pressure levels.
Furthermore, despite claims that soy could enhance breast cancer risk as it mimics estrogen in the body, scientific studies recommend that it may decrease this risk. Some brands yield organic soymilk, processed from non-genetically modified organism (non-GMO) soybeans and away from conventional pesticides and herbicides.
Benefits of Milk During Weight Loss
Nutrients present in Milk like calcium, vitamin B12, potassium, phosphorus, selenium, protein, riboflavin, etc., make it healthy.
- Calcium makes bones strong.
- Protein regulates your immune system.
- Reduces obesity issues.
- Keep your skin glowing.
Do not fret. We won’t be discussing all the types here. We will only go through those which would help best in weight loss.
Best Milk Alternative for Weight Loss
This list will tell you what kind of Milk is best for weight loss,
Is Almond Milk Good For Weight Loss?
Comparatively to cow’s Milk, almond milk is deficient in sugar, calories, and carbs. Like cow’s Milk, almost all the nutrients are found in it. This Milk helps in filling your tummy.
They also contribute to increasing the metabolic rate. And what happens if the metabolic rate is high? You tend to burn more calories even when you are resting.
I hope this reason is enough to prove to you that almond milk is good for weight loss.
The next one on our list is soy milk.
Is Soy Milk Good For Weight Loss?
Like almond milk, soy milk is plant-based, a great beverage contributing to weight loss. The main ingredient of Soy milk is Soya beans, and it is well known that soya bean is excellent for health.
It has high fiber, protein, and low cholesterol and is also a good source of omega-3.
Soybeans have always been a favorite food for people who don’t prefer meat, and now it is also acting as an alternative for people who don’t like Milk or want to lose weight quickly.
Now let’s see how Soy milk is better than other kinds of Milk and what makes Almond Milk the primary.
Like Almond milk, Soy milk is calorically relatively low and has no cholesterol, unlike other Milk (e.gCow’s Milk).
It has only around 0.5-1g of saturated fats for about every eight ounces of Milk. The sugar content is relatively low but not as common as almond milk.
But the advantage Soy milk has over Almond milk is that it has a protein punch in it. If I were to give an estimate, I would be if for one glass of almond milk there is 5gm of protein, then almond milk has around 15-20gms of protein. So if you want some protein included in your diet, this Milk is the most preferable.
The next one on our weight loss Milk-specified beverage list is skimmed Milk.
Is Skimmed Milk Good For Weight Loss?
Milk from which cream has been completely removed is called skimmed milk. By removing the cream, the caloric value of skimmed Milk becomes as low as half of the whole Milk, but it provides the same amount of protein, Vitamins, and carbohydrates as whole Milk.
If whole Milk has 20gms of proteins,30gms of carbohydrates, and 50gms of fats, then skimmed Milk has 35gms of protein, 56gms of carbohydrates, and 2gms of fats.
This is the right choice for those who prefer pure animal-based Milk instead of plant-based one with low-fat content.
Is Oat Milk Good for Weight Loss?
It provides carbs, riboflavin, vitamins, minerals, etc. It is formed by blending oats and water. It gives more vitamin B-2 or riboflavin compared to cow’s Milk.
The increase in nutrition values is done by adding vitamins and minerals by manufacturers. This Milk is considered to be healthy.
Coconut Milk for Weight Loss
A milky liquid extracted from a mature coconut. It is tasty because of its high oil content and is considered healthy because it strengthens the immune system and electrolyte balance and contains antioxidants that aid weight loss.
Raw Milk Diet for Weight Loss
At number four, we have “RAW MILK.”
What’s even better than the purest form of Milk? Raw Milk has been consumed by people for ages. Unlike almond milk and soymilk, the trend these days, and unlike us who aren’t living past seventy nowadays, natural products are better than all the other options.
People have been losing weight and getting fit even before the invention of Almond milk and soy milk; this proves to us that they have been entirely dependent on raw Milk, and they have gotten themselves into better shape with this.
Raw Milk without added sugars is better than sugar because added sugars increase the small amount of fat and carbohydrate content of raw Milk into a considerable amount.
The best advantage that Raw Milk has over other types of Milk is that It has good bacteria. Unlike pasteurized ones, processed raw Milk cures many deficiencies and helps against diseases by strengthening our immune system.
Honorary mentions of the list in TURMERIC milk.
Benefits of Turmeric Milk for Weight Loss
What makes turmeric unique in general is “curcumin.” Curcumin is a substance that causes inflammation to stop and also has antioxidant properties. Our body has a lot of free radicals, and these free radicals are highly reactive and contain an unpaired electron. These radicals react with the fatty acids in our bodies and cause inflammation and other problems.
Here’s when our hero turmeric-man comes into play, releasing curcumin into our body and acting as a potent anti-inflammatory agent.
Other such benefits of turmeric are:
Curcumin, as stated earlier, is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent that helps treat diseases like arthritis.
But it is also a fantastic antidepressant that helps reverse some of the effects of depression. Depression is linked to a gene only found in the brain and spinal cord, which gives instructions to make protein. The protein helps in the growth and betterment of neurons.
Turmeric also helps fight against diseases that are most common in old ages.
Not only is drinking Milk important, but the timing at which we consume it is also essential.
What is the Best Time to Drink Milk for Weight Loss?
Have you ever heard that eating a banana at night is harmful compared to eating it in the morning? This is because banana is a heavy fruit that contributes to mucus production, which in turn causes us uneasiness at night.
In the same way, it is suggested to drink Milk at some particular times of the day to give us the most benefits.
As an adult, it is preferable to drink Milk at night as it is said in the Ayurveda that it helps in digestion and that Milk becomes heavy for the body, making us tired and helping in stressless sleep.
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But as kids, it is more suggested to be drunk in the morning hours as it gives a sort of fullness and since a glass of Milk fills a lot of space, our food intake decreases thereby reducing our calorie intake, helping in weight loss.
Drinking around 500ml of low-calorie Milk, as mentioned above, can help lower calorie intake and thereby keep the calorie intake and calorie burn calculations more accurate. The only thing that matters, whatever type of food you eat, is consistency. Maintain your consistency and add Milk into your diet; I assure you, you will notice a change in yourself.
Last Words
I would share my experience; I tried different types of milk diets, and they resulted positively. Every Milk has its benefits in various ranges.
So, these are some best weight-loss milk which is also suggested to many people in gyms by trainers to maintain muscles and lose weight.
My gym trainer advised me that drinking cow’s milk helps improve the digestive system. Also, drinking after an intense exercise will help you maintain muscles by providing a balance of nutritional support.
The above information provided by me is genuine and experienced by me. If you have any health problems, some types of Milk can be allergic to you. So, to overcome that, you better consult your doctor or any nutritionist to acquire a healthy lifestyle.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1: Should I avoid Milk to Lose weight?
Ans: No, you should not avoid Milk to lose weight.
According to 2004 research, people who consume milk and milk products in a limited amount every day lose weight fast compared to those who avoid milk or milk products to lose weight.
Q2: Does Milk help lose belly fat?
Ans: The book “Healing Foods” says that if you include Milk in your diet, it reduces your belly fat.
Consuming Milk also reduces cravings for food and keeps you energized for a long time.
Some research has proved that calcium and vitamin D increase the metabolic rate.